Page 9 - ISMCON souvenir 2021
P. 9
ISMSCON - 2021
About Indian Society for Medical Statistics
The INDIAN SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL STATISTICS (ISMS), established in 1983 is asociety, registered
under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. It is a scientific body consisting of biostatisticians,
medical teachers, researchers, demographers and scientists from other related disciplines.
ThisSocietyofscientistsworkinginmedicalfieldistheonlySocietyofitskindinthe South East Asiaregion.
The Society provides a common platform to medical researchers, statisticians and computer specialists
working in medical institutions to interact and benefit mutually towards development and application of
biostatistical techniques.
• Tofacilitatecommunicationandbuildlinksamongscientistsengagedinmedicalresearchand teaching
• To enhance the development and use of statistics in medicine and publichealth.
• To hold scientific meetings in the form of conference once a year for diffusion of modern techniques
• Toconductscientificconferences,seminars,trainingworkshopsonhealthstatisticsinrelation to specific
• To publish its own half-yearly Bulletin viz.; “ISMS BULLETIN”, Journal, Proceedings and Abstracts
of research papers for regular communications with itsmembers.
The Society has more than five sponsored award schemes for the encouragement of its members towards
research publications and one Fellowship award to bestow honour on its distinguished scientists who
have made splendid contribution for the promotion of researchin medicalstatistics.
Each Life Member will have one voting right in the election of the office-bearers of the Society. He/She will
receive the Society’s publications such as Bulletins, Proceedings, Journal and other literatureatreducedrate/
freeofcost.He/Shewillbeinvitedtoparticipateinallacademicactivities of the Society and will be entitled to
reduced delegation fee for attending the Society’s conferences/seminars,etc.
The Institutional Membership will be made in the name of the Head of the Institution. Such members will
have the privilege to depute a maximum of three delegates to the annual conferences and other scientific
meetings of the Society. These nominated persons will be considered at par with the other members of
the Society in the matters of facilities andbenefits.
The student member will have no voting right but will be entitled to receive all other benefits and facilities
at par with other members of the Society.
Privilege to the Members
ISMS membership is open to any graduate who subscribes to the aims of the Society. There are three
types of members viz. Life, Institutional and Student members. Those who wish to become a member of
the society may apply on the prescribed form along with the subscription fees to the General Secretary
of the Society. Current rates of subscription may be obtained from the General Secretary.
Society’s Publication(s)
Society publishes a Bulletin, which appears twice a year in the months of March and September. Copy
of the Bulletin is sent to all Fellows and Members. A lot of useful materials such as Book Reviews,
Recent publications of books and journals, Calendar of events of national and international conferences,
Abstracts of recent articles of application of statistics in medicine and public health, Technical notes, etc.
are included in the Bulletin.